ICTC 2023

Thank you for joining us

Conservation translocation researchers and experts exchanged ideas and experiences at the 3rd International Conservation Translocations Conference 2023 (ICTC 2023), held in Fremantle, Western Australia.

CONFERENCE THEME: Learning from the past, adapting to the future

The main Conference Program spanned three days, as well as pre and post-conference workshops.

Thank you to everyone who joined us and helped make the Conference a huge success!

Carbon Offset Projects

On behalf of the Conference, donations have been made to the following projects:

Funds donated will contribute to conservation and restoration activities in three Ramsar listed sites: Lake Muir, Toolibin Lake and Vasse-Wonnerup wetlands. The includes revegetation, seed collection, fencing priority areas or feral animal control.

Greening Australia are restoring approximately 50 hectares of native vegetation in Nyabing, Western Australia on Wagyi Kaip & Southern Noongar Country.

The project will establish important Eucalyptus woodland habitat in an area previously cleared for agriculture. Connecting with a large area of existing remnant vegetation adjacent to the property, this project will provide critical connectivity across the landscape and provide important habitat for threatened species, including Malleefowl, Carnaby’s Cockatoo, Baudin’s Cockatoo and Australian Bittern. The site is also in the peripheral range of confirmed records of Red Tailed Phasgogales and will provide marginal benefits. Seventeen species of threatened flora and 38 species of priority flora have been recorded at the site. The site connects to a 330ha area of existing native vegetation to the south and east and provides new connectivity to the west and north. It will improve ecosystem services to nearby agricultural land including soil health, watercourse stability and health, pollination and insect control, and provide important habitat for threatened species.

The project is being delivered in collaboration with First Nations members of the Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation who are part of the Goreng people of the Noongar Nation, and have been on site and are connected to it. They will play an active role in its restoration with the planting of native trees and shrub in the 2024 planting season. With your support, we can expand the number and species of plants that the Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation Rangers are planting as infill on the site to include species of Wheatbelt Woodlands such as Eucalyptus wandoo and Sheoak Woodlands such as such as Casuarina obesa and/or Allocasuarina spp.

Carbon Positive Australia helps organisations, communities, and individuals take climate action by supporting tree planting and ecosystem restoration. Projects are about more than just carbon offsets—they’re about meaningful restoration, supporting community tree planting and providing education tools to help everyone understand their climate impact. Southwest WA is one of the world’s 36 global biodiversity hotspots. This region has been extensively cleared and is experiencing negative impacts from erosion, salinity, and biodiversity loss. Carbon Positive Australia partners with local landholders to restore native vegetation to the land.

Highly experienced specialists from around the world engaged in conversations to reflect on their projects and hard-won lessons to identify key aspects associated with effective wildlife conservation translocation programs.

CONFERENCE LOCATION: Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle, Western Australia

CONFERENCE DATES: 13-15 November 2023

ICTC 2023 – What is the International Conservation Translocation Conference?

The International Conservation Translocation Conference (ICTC) is a premier conservation translocation science event, linked to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Conservation Translocation Specialist Group (previously the Reintroduction Specialist Group), part of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. The two previous conferences (as the International Wildlife Reintroduction Conference) were held in Chicago, USA in 2008 and 2018.

The Conference is the highest profile forum targeted at wildlife experts from around the world who undertake conservation translocations. Delegates converge to share expertise in a wide range of themes related to wildlife conservation using translocation as a tool to improve the recovery of threatened species.

The 3rd ICTC included national and international plenary speakers, presentations, technical updates and workshop discussions, and brought together in Australia the diverse global community of professionals and students in the field of reintroduction biology to showcase their work and facilitate collaboration through our international network of practitioners. Conservation translocations have been a critical part of wildlife conservation in Australia for many years.